Construction Update 6/23/23

Construction Update 6/23/23

Hello Everyone,
Our construction update for the week of 6/26/2023 is below:

An overall site plan can be found on the last page of the update. This will help readers gain a better understanding of where on-site work is being performed.

On Thursday June 1st, crews mobilized to the site and began installing construction fencing to establish a perimeter around the fields behind the existing school.

The week of June 5th, crews focused on removing the loam from the upper fields, field lighting was dismantled and stored on site and, trees within the site fence were cut down.

During the week of June 12th, the irrigation system feeding the lower fields was reworked to allow the system to operate during construction, the existing Concession Stand and Maintenance Building were demolished. Crews continued removing loam from the site, disconnecting existing field lighting, and removing existing utilities.

During the week of June 19th, demolition of the Concession Stand and Maintenance Building, removal of loam from the site, and the demolition of existing utilities continued. Refeeding of the irrigation system at the lower fields was completed.

Looking ahead to the week of June 26th, WTR will implement “configuration 2” of their logistic plan (attached). This will now include the existing parking area in front of the school and a small section of the northeast corner of the lot between the school and tennis courts. Structural soil will be imported to the site to rase the grade at Zone B, the middle section of the new school. Removal and relocation of
existing sporting lights will continue. The installation of temporary power for construction use will begin. Demolition of existing site features and utilities will continue.

Trucks, equipment, and deliveries will be a continuous presence at the south gate entrance. Following the implementation of site  configuration #2 construction traffic will shift to entering the site at the north gate and existing the site at the south gate. This will take effect at the end of June. The construction entrances will be closed during arrival and dismissal times while school is in session. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact the team with any questions, concerns, or issues. The project team can be reached at:

2023-06-22 impacts

2023-06-22 Logistics