Construction Update 05-10-2024

Construction Update 05-10-2024

Hello Everyone,

Our construction update for the week of 5/10/2024 is below:

An overall site plan can be found on the last page of the update. This will help readers gain a better understanding of where on-site work is being performed.

During the week of May 6th, crews continued to frame and sheath the exterior wall of Area B and Area A. Installation of the roofing system for the main building is completed, the roofing crews will now begin installing the 3rd floor roof in Area A. Installation of metal windows continued along the north elevation of Area C and into Area B. Installation of brick continued along the north elevation of Area C. Crews continued framing interior walls on the ground floor in Area C, all floors in Area B and have begun on the 4th floor in Area A. Crews continue to finish walls on the 2nd floor in Area C and continue hanging drywall on the 3rd floor in Area C. on the 4th floor in Area C, in wall blocking, along with in wall rough for the mechanical, electrical and plumbing trades continues. The plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and fire protection subcontractors continued installing piping, conduit, hangers, and ductwork throughout Area’s B and A. The concrete subcontractor placed 300 cubic yards of concrete on Thursday at the last reaming section of the Area A Slab on Grade and the gym floor. The site contractor continues to install the drainage structures and associated piping throughout the site while also working to raise the grade at the existing north parking lot, located within the site fence.

Looking ahead to the week of May 13th, framing, and sheathing of the exterior wall will continue at the north and south elevations of Area B, and Area A. Installation of AVB and metal windows will continue at Area B. The masons will continue to lay brick and masonry block at the exterior of Area C. Roofing installation will continue. On the inside of Area C finishing drywall will continue the 2nd floor, hanging drywall will continue and finishing will begin on the 3rd floor, inwall and above ceiling installation of piping, conduit, and ductwork, along with wall framing and door frame installation will continue on the 4th floor. In Area B framing of interior walls along with the installation of inwall and above ceiling piping, conduit, and ductwork continues on all floors. In Area C installation of above ceiling of piping, conduit, and ductwork will continue as framing for interior walls continues on the 4th floor. The site contractor will continue to raise the grade at the north parking lot.

Trucks, equipment, and deliveries will be a continuous presence at both the north and south gate entrances.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact the team with any questions, concerns, or issues. The project team can be reached at: